Your AI Cheat Sheet!

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Your email list is your #1 asset!


Are you tired of staring at a blank screen every time you need to send out an email?

I’m here to help!

These 10 ChatGPT email marketing prompts are your secret sauce to writing compelling emails that help nurture your list & drive sales!

1. Craft a Warm Welcome:

- "I need a [type of email] that will introduce my [ideal customer persona] to our [brand's mission and values], giving them a sneak peek into [upcoming community events]."

- Requirements: (Provide the core values and mission of your brand, and details of upcoming community events.)

- Background Reference: (Share any existing brand copy, subscriber personas, or previous welcome emails.)

- Action: (Request to produce a welcoming email that introduces new subscribers to the brand.)

2. Share the Knowledge:

- "I'm looking for an [educational email] that will enlighten my [subscribers] on [specific topic] by sharing a [relevant blog post]."

- Requirements: (Provide the link to the blog post and key takeaways you want to highlight.)

- Background Reference: (Share previous educational emails, or any brand tone guidelines for educational content.)

- Action: (Request to craft an email that shares the blog post.)

3. Highlight the Good Stuff:

- "I need a [product highlight email] that will persuade my [potential customers] to purchase our [new product line] by showcasing its [unique features and benefits]."

- Requirements: (Provide product details, features, benefits, and any customer testimonials.)

- Background Reference: (Share past product highlight emails, and brand’s product description copy.)

- Action: (Request to create a product highlight email.)

4. The VIP Treatment:

- "I'm looking for a [promotional email] that will offer my [loyal subscribers] an [exclusive discount] on our [new product range]."

- Requirements: (Provide details of the new product range, discount percentage, and duration of the offer.)

- Background Reference: (Share past exclusive offer emails, and brand’s tone for promotional content.)

- Action: (Request to write a promotional email.)

5. Tell Success Stories:

- "I need a [testimonial email] that will share a [customer's success story] to inspire other [subscribers] to adopt a [specific lifestyle] using our products."

- Requirements: (Provide the customer success story, and their before-and-after scenario.)

- Background Reference: (Share previous success story emails, and brand’s storytelling style.)

- Action: (Request to craft a testimonial email.)

6. A Peek Behind the Curtain:

- "I'm looking for a [behind-the-scenes email] that will showcase our [ethical sourcing and manufacturing processes] to my [subscribers]."

- Requirements: (Provide insights into the ethical sourcing and manufacturing processes.)

- Background Reference: (Share past behind-the-scenes emails, and brand’s tone for transparency communication.)

- Action: (Request to create a behind-the-scenes email.)

7. Ask and You Shall Receive:

- "I need a [feedback request email] that will engage my [subscribers] in providing feedback on our [latest product line] and suggesting [future blog topics]."

- Requirements: (Provide specifics of the latest product line, and topics covered in recent blog posts.)

- Background Reference: (Share past feedback request emails, and brand’s tone for engagement requests.)

- Action: (Request to write a feedback request email.)

8. Roundup the Goodies:

- "I'm looking for a [content roundup email] that will share our [top blog posts of the month] with our [subscribers]."

- Requirements: (Provide links to top blog posts of the month, and brief descriptions.)

- Background Reference: (Share past content roundup emails, and brand’s tone for curated content.)

- Action: (Request to design a content roundup email.)

9. Engage with a Challenge:

- "I need a [challenge invitation email] that will invite my [subscribers] to participate in a [specific challenge]."

- Requirements: (Provide details of the challenge, rules, and social media sharing guidelines.)

- Background Reference: (Share past challenge invitation emails, and brand’s tone for community engagement.)

- Action: (Request to create a challenge invitation email.)

10. Seasonal Vibes:

- "I'm looking for a [seasonal promotion email] that will promote our [holiday sale] to our [subscribers], highlighting [special discounts] on eco-friendly products."

- Requirements: (Provide details of the holiday sale, discount offers, and last shipping dates.)

- Background Reference: (Share past seasonal promotion emails, and brand’s tone for promotional content.)

- Action: (Request to write a seasonal promotion email.)




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